Our team


Mira Somaini 

  • FOI® therapist
  • BSc in physiotherapy
  • CAS pelvic floor physiotherapy
  • Sexological bodyworker (Institute ISB)

Mov­e­ment is at the cen­ter of my life. And this al­so means feel­ing my bo­dy – with scu­ba div­ing, on a kite­board, through ae­ri­al ac­ro­ba­tics. As a bur­lesque per­form­er, I dance across the stage to show that to­day's hard­body cul­ture can be met with hu­mor and i­ro­ny. And in my two re­la­tion­ships and the queer com­munity, I have found a free­dom to move in a way that fits me.

My aim in work­ing with FOI® ther­apy is to help oth­ers find this same free­dom in their own move­ments. The meth­od al­lows treat­ments to be adapt­ed to the cli­ent's bo­dy and not vice ver­sa – a strength it shares with sex­o­log­i­cal body­work, which is al­so fo­cused on find­ing the right meth­od for each per­son and their prob­lems.

I find it es­pe­cially un­for­tun­ate that so many peo­ple fail to seek help be­cause of the shame they feel about prob­lems with their pel­vic floor. Work­ing to fight this shame and help more peo­ple with these prob­lems was one of my main mo­ti­va­tions for spe­cial­iz­ing in pel­vic floor re­ha­bil­it­a­tion. Quite of­ten, not much is need­ed to suc­cess­fully pro­vide re­lief from in­con­ti­nence, fre­quent uri­na­tion, pain in the gen­i­tal area, and sim­i­lar prob­lems.


Claudia Spörri

  • FOI® therapist
  • BSc in physiotherapy
  • Dry needling

Mov­e­ment and mo­bil­i­ty are cen­tral to ev­ery­thing I do. I strive to main­tain phys­i­cal and men­tal health and ag­il­i­ty as a way to help me make it through hec­tic days. It is in the moun­tains, in na­ture, that I re­charge my bat­ter­ies – where I en­joy spend­ing time with my life part­ner and my chil­dren. They teach me to see the world from dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives, which helps me stay mind­ful and con­nec­ted with my­self, and this al­so helps me in my work with cli­ents.

For quite some time I have been help­ing peo­ple with FOI® ther­apy. I am fas­ci­nat­ed by how phys­i­cal touch can set psy­cho­so­mat­ic proc­ess­es in mo­tion, en­abling ex­treme­ly sub­tle cor­rec­tions in the bal­ance of forc­es work­ing through our joints. For peo­ple in chal­leng­ing life sit­u­a­tions, this can bring about a rad­i­cal shift as ten­sions in the body and mind are re­leased. Some­times, how­ev­er, the mus­cu­lo­ske­let­al sys­tem must first be freed from high­ly re­sist­ant block­ages or knots. In these cases, I use dry nee­dling as a quick and un­com­pli­cat­ed ther­apy to help my cli­ents re­lax.

Our philosophy

Tur­rim is a Latin word that means tow­er. The tow­er in our body is the spine – and like any tow­er, it needs a firm foun­da­tion to pro­vide sta­bil­i­ty and bal­ance, which in our bod­ies is lo­cat­ed in the pel­vic floor. Yet our bod­ies al­so need the mo­bil­i­ty pro­vid­ed by our in­di­vid­ual ver­te­brae. When these are blocked, the re­sult can be dis­com­fort and re­stric­ted move­ment, trig­ger­ing symp­toms through­out the body. We can help you re­store the sta­bil­i­ty and mo­bil­i­ty that your body re­quires. With a ther­a­py pro­gram tai­lored spe­cif­i­cal­ly to your needs, we help your body self-reg­u­late, pro­vid­ing re­lief from your symp­toms. We con­sid­er it im­per­a­tive that our treat­ment is as pain­free as pos­si­ble and moves at your own pace.

We can help you re­store the sta­bil­i­ty and mo­bil­i­ty that your body re­quires. With a ther­a­py pro­gram tai­lored spe­cif­i­cal­ly to your needs, we help your body self-reg­u­late, pro­vid­ing re­lief from your symp­toms. We con­sid­er it im­per­a­tive that our treat­ment is as pain­free as pos­si­ble and moves at your own pace.

To help you bet­ter un­der­stand the sig­nals and re­ac­tions com­ing from your body, we seek to find the most pre­cise ex­pla­na­tion pos­si­ble for the con­nec­tions be­tween your symp­toms and their caus­es. We al­so teach you ex­er­cis­es and meth­ods that al­low you to take ac­tion your­self and con­tin­ue this prac­tice on your own.