Therapeutic techniques

FOI® (functional orthonomy and integration)

FOI® helps you to re­store bal­ance in your bo­dy. With gen­tle and pain­less os­cil­la­tions that re­spect your lim­its, FOI® re­stores the in­ter­con­nec­tion and sta­bil­i­ty of your joints with­out ma­ni­p­u­la­tion. Your joints will move with grea­ter ease and less dis­com­fort, while mus­cu­lar ten­sion and re­stric­tions in your range of mo­tion will be re­duced. FOI® can ben­e­fit any­one seek­ing bal­ance and sta­bil­ity; it can pos­i­tively im­pact eve­ry­day move­ments and sports ac­ti­vi­ties.

Dry needling

Dry need­ling helps you to re­lease trig­ger points and mus­cle stiff­ness, which can a­rise in a num­ber of ways, in­clud­ing ex­ces­sive stress through sports, chroni­cally poor pos­ture, or over­use in eve­ry­day life (for ex­am­ple, at work). The treat­ment in­volves in­sert­ing a thin acu­punc­ture nee­dle into a trig­ger point with­out med­ic­a­tion. The in­ser­tion caus­es a lo­cal in­crease in blood flow, which re­lieves spasms and can re­duce symp­toms.

Pelvic floor therapy

Pelvic floor ther­apy helps you de­velop a heal­thy and func­tional pel­vic floor through an indi­vid­ual­ly tai­lored treat­ment. The pel­vic floor is the con­nec­tion point be­tween your up­per body and your legs and en­sures that you main­tain con­trol over func­tions of uri­na­tion and def­e­ca­tion. Symptoms such as in­con­ti­nence, chron­ic con­stip­a­tion, uri­na­tion dis­or­ders, and pain in the gen­i­tal or anal area are of­ten bound up with shame, even though they can af­fect any­one, re­gard­less of age and gen­der. Yet just a few treat­ments can of­ten bring great re­lief. The exer­cises learned in pel­vic floor ther­apy are al­so suit­able as pre­ven­tive mea­sures be­fore and af­ter pros­tate sur­gery or child­birth.

Sexological bodywork

Sexological bodywork employs body-centered techniques and exercises to help you perceive your body holistically and experience sensuality and sexuality in a new way. As a holistic approach, it takes into account the connection between body and mind. In a practice-based exploration, you will come to better understand your needs, learn to set and respect boundaries, and encounter spaces where you can experience sexuality and physical intimacy with confidence.
